How NOT to ride in a Santiago taxi.

How NOT to ride in a Santiago taxi.

It’s 10:30 PM and 75 degrees on our third night in Santiago, and we’re ready to leave the comfortable nest of our chilean houses and explore the nightlife. So what does a young “gringa” do to protect herself and avoid purse/wallet/shiny necklace theft?* Apparently, this means take a taxi.

Sin Miedo, Jóven.

Sin Miedo, Jóven.

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. “- Ambrose Redmoon

“Camp Granada.”

“Camp Granada.”

Friends! It’s hard to believe that I’ve only been in Spain for a little more than a week. Somewhere in between the crowded tapas bars, the constant spanish, long walks throughout the barrios, and a 12 mile desert hike, this place became my home.